There are several advantages to having United States citizenship, including enjoying the ability to travel with a United States passport, the right to vote, and having the chance to help other family members immigrate to the country. The road to citizenship, however, can be long and complicated, so you should always seek the help of citizenship lawyers near you.
Lawful permanent residents (LPRs) or green card holders need to satisfy several requirements to become eligible for naturalization, including continuous United States residence for at least five years as well as at least three months in a single state, LPR status for three to five years depending on certain circumstances, basic English language skills including reading, writing, and comprehension, basic understanding of United States history, civics, and the constitution, and good moral character. Certain criteria such as a person’s age, marital status, health conditions, military status, and family relationships can also influence the application process.
Obtaining LPR status or a green card will be the first step for an immigrant to permanently live and work in the United States. Many perceived immigration criminal activities or violations can arouse suspicion, and LPR status may be revoked.
Residents will not be notified when their green card and LPR status are in jeopardy. Instead, they get notification of possible removal or deportation after submitting fingerprints for a replacement green card, citizenship, or removal of conditions.
A resident can then be placed in removal proceedings and face the risk of being deported back to their home country. Some residents may even be held in the custody of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
There are essentially three ways that a person can become a citizen of the United States, either through birth, derivation, or naturalization. When a person is born in the United States, they automatically become a United States citizen.
In certain cases, people born abroad to United States citizens also automatically gain citizenship. This law, however, can vary by situation, and the law that applies to each case will be the law that was in effect at the time the person was born.
Other people derive citizenship through the naturalization of a parent. They may have to seek a certificate of citizenship (USCIS Form N-600).
Naturalization happens when a person voluntarily applies to become a permanent United States citizen. There are multiple steps to prepare for naturalization, which include:
Some of the stumbling blocks during the naturalization process that can seem minor and accidental are still regarded seriously by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). As an example, Illinois has a program encouraging driver’s license applicants to register to vote, and failure to do this may be discovered during the naturalization process and could lead to possible removal from the United States.
If an LPR lives in the United States for five years, or three years in certain cases, they are fluent in English, and they wish to make the United States their home, then applying for citizenship will be the logical next step. There will be risks that people can face during the application process, especially when they are subjected to a thorough evaluation by USCIS.
Every application gets reopened, including a thorough review of the history of an immigration file and checks to determine whether a person deserves the immigration benefits they will receive. When something troublesome arises, such as a criminal record, fraudulent activity, long trips outside the country, or a history of drug abuse, USCIS could take certain action and place the applicant in removal proceedings or possibly strip their status as an LPR.
Did you need assistance trying to complete the naturalization process to become a lawful United States citizen? You can work with Minsky, McCormick & Hallagan, P.C., so you do not have to handle anything by yourself.
Our firm works very closely with all of our clients, so no person has to worry about any of the possible hang-ups that can arise during these proceedings. You may call us or contact us online to take advantage of a consultation that will let us dig into the details of your case and fully explain what you can expect moving forward.