Minsky, McCormick & Hallagan, P.C. is proud to announce that partner Beata Leja has joined the Board of Directors of the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, a national human rights organization that advocates for the rights and best interests of the neediest immigrant children in deportation proceedings. Young Center attorneys and social workers, along with bilingual volunteers, are appointed as Child Advocate (guardian ad litem) by the Department of Health and Human Services to advocate for the child’s best interests—from custody and release to the ultimate decision about whether the child will be allowed to remain in the U.S. The goal of the Young Center is to change both immigration policy and practice so that immigrant children are recognized first as children and their best interests are considered in every decision. Today the Young Center has offices in Houston, San Antonio, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York, Harlingen, and Chicago. The Young Center is currently inundated with requests to provide Child Advocates to hundreds of new children who have been separated from their parents pursuant to the Trump administration’s new policy. To learn more, please visit: www.theyoungcenter.org
The material contained in this alert does not constitute direct legal advice and is for informational purposes only. An attorney-client relationship is not presumed or intended by receipt or review of this presentation. The information provided should never replace informed counsel when specific immigration-related guidance is needed.
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